A Duke’s Unlikely Cinderella – Extended Epilogue


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“Rebecca, I don’t think I’ll ever tire of the countryside’s quiet,” Adeline mused, her smile soft as she watched her twin daughters, Eliza and Clara, chasing each other across the garden, their laughter ringing out under the bright sky. Baby Edward lay nestled in her lap, blinking up at the sunlight with his big, curious eyes.

Rebecca leaned back in her chair, her gaze sweeping across the scene. “I’d say it’s a different sort of noise,” she said with a laugh. “Children’s laughter instead of the clamor of London.” She paused, her eyes softening as she looked at Adeline. “I’m endlessly happy for you, Adeline. You truly belong here.”

Adeline’s heart swelled as she looked around, taking in the familiar trees, the sprawling fields, and the sweet smell of early spring blossoms drifting through the air. “It does feel like home,” she admitted, resting a gentle hand on Edward’s tiny fist. “There was a time I wondered if I’d ever find a place where I felt I truly belonged. But here…”

Her voice trailed off, and Rebecca squeezed her hand gently. “And it suits you, dear. You and Theo have made such a beautiful family.”

Just then, the laughter from the garden grew louder as Eliza and Clara sped back toward them, their cheeks flushed and their curls bouncing in the breeze. They halted in front of Adeline and Rebecca, their eyes wide and shining with excitement.

“Mama,” Eliza said, her face full of wonder. “Did you know Grandfather said there are fairies in the garden? He said if we look closely enough, we might see them.”

Adeline smiled, glancing toward her father, who had just joined them, carrying a tray of freshly baked biscuits.

Reverend Everheart set the tray down with a warm smile. “A little imagination never hurt anyone, now, did it?” he chuckled as he patted Eliza’s head.

Rebecca chuckled, passing a biscuit to each of the girls. “Absolutely. We all need a little magic in our lives, don’t we?”

Adeline nodded, watching as her father took a seat and shared a smile with her. Since his retirement, he had taken great joy in being close to Adeline’s family, seeing his grandchildren nearly every day. It filled Adeline with gratitude to have him nearby, a steady presence in their lives.

“Father, have you ever thought of how things turned out?” Adeline asked softly, her voice filled with quiet gratitude.

He looked at her with warmth and pride. “Oh, my dear, I think about it every day. The life you’ve built here with Theo and these little ones… it’s more than I could have ever prayed for.”

As if on cue, Theo appeared at the edge of the garden, meeting Adeline’s gaze with that familiar sparkle in his eyes. She returned his smile, feeling her heart skip as it always did whenever she saw him.

Rebecca followed her gaze and grinned. “Well, if that isn’t the look of a man in love, I don’t know what is.”

Adeline chuckled, her cheeks warming. “He’s given me so much, Rebecca. I never would have imagined any of this…not back when I was simply Lady Sarah’s maid.”

Rebecca raised her brows playfully. “And speaking of Lady Sarah, have you heard much from her since her…departure to America?”

Reverend Everheart chuckled lightly as he poured more tea. “Yes, I hear she was encouraged to leave for the New World after a small scandal with a wealthy American gentleman.”

Rebecca gave an exaggerated sigh. “Indeed, a bit of scandal was exactly what she needed to settle down.”

Adeline smiled faintly, thankful for the peace Sarah’s departure had brought. “I do hope she’s happy,” she said. “Perhaps she’s finally found her own place.”

Rebecca leaned in conspiratorially. “And Michael? I hear he finally married that actress he’s loved for years.”

The reverend chuckled, entertained. “Young Michael always had a rebellious streak. I suppose Theo’s boldness gave him the courage he needed.”

The three of them shared a laugh before turning back to watch the children. Adeline looked around, feeling the warmth of family and friendship that she had once thought was only a dream.

As their tea continued, the laughter of the children and warmth of the family gathering filled the garden. Adeline watched her gather as he observed the children, his expression softened by a quiet pride that only a grandfather could wear. It made her heart swell to see her father, who had devoted his life to guiding others, now relishing these moments with his grandchildren.

Just then, Adeline noticed Theo standing at the far end of the garden, a thoughtful look on his face as he spoke with the groundskeeper. He glanced up, meeting her gaze, and a spark of excitement lit his eyes. With a small nod, he started walking toward her, his stride purposeful.

Adeline couldn’t help but smile as he approached. “Theo, what’s that look in your eye?” she asked, rising to meet him.

He took her hand, his expression both serious and excited. “Adeline, there’s something I’ve been working on for a while, and it’s time I shared it with you.” He glanced toward Rebecca and her father, giving a polite nod. “May I steal her away for a moment?”

Rebecca laughed. “By all means, Theo. Just be sure to bring her back before the children realize she’s gone!”

Theo smiled, guiding Adeline a few steps away, where they could speak in private. He looked down at her, his gaze filled with warmth and anticipation. “For three years now, I’ve been searching, Adeline. Quietly, without raising your hopes, in case I couldn’t find anything.”

She looked at him, her heart pounding. “Searching? For what?”

He took a deep breath, his voice gentle. “For your family—your father’s family. I wanted to find out about your past, to bring you the answers you never had. And, finally… I found them.”

Adeline’s breath caught, her heart racing with a mix of hope and disbelief. “But Theo… I thought they had passed. I was always told my grandparents were gone.”

He nodded, his face full of understanding. “That’s what they believed about you, too. They thought they had lost you when your parents died. But now, after all these years, they’ve discovered you’re alive.”

Adeline felt a rush of emotion—a combination of joy, shock, and overwhelming gratitude. “Are they… are they here?” she whispered, barely able to find her voice.

He smiled, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. “Yes, they’re here. They’re waiting to meet you.”

At that moment, an elderly couple appeared at the edge of the garden. The gentleman, tall and dignified, had an air of strength softened by years, while the woman, with kind eyes and gentle features, wore an expression that mirrored Adeline’s. They looked at her with awe and emotion as they took in the sight of the family they thought they’d never know.

Adeline felt a tear slip down her cheek. She glanced at Theo, her heart overflowing. “You’ve given me more than I could ever ask for,” she whispered.

He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Go to them, my love. They’re waiting.”

With a deep breath, Adeline took a step forward, her heart racing as she approached the couple. Her grandmother took an unsteady step forward, her voice trembling with emotion. “Adeline… is it truly you?”

“Yes,” Adeline whispered, her voice breaking. “It’s me.”

Her grandmother’s hands reached out, finding Adeline’s, and she grasped them tightly, as if afraid to let go. “We thought you were gone,” she murmured, tears shining in her eyes. “All these years… we never dreamed…”

Her grandfather, standing close, placed a steady hand on her shoulder, his expression deeply moved. “To see you, with a family of your own… it’s more than we could have hoped for.”

Eliza and Clara, who had been watching from a few steps away, approached curiously, their eyes wide. “Mama, are these our grandparents too?” Eliza asked softly, looking up at the older couple with wonder.

Adeline’s heart swelled as she nodded, brushing away a tear. “Yes, my loves. These are your great-grandparents.”

The girls exchanged glances, then turned back to their new family members with delighted smiles. Her grandmother knelt down, reaching out her arms, and both girls rushed into her embrace, giggling as she held them close.

Watching this scene, Adeline felt her heart overflow with gratitude. Rebecca approached, her eyes shining as she placed a gentle hand on Adeline’s shoulder. “Oh, Adeline, I couldn’t be happier for you,” she said softly. “You deserve this joy.”

Adeline looked back at Theo, who watched with quiet pride. He gave her a small nod, and she mouthed a silent thank you, her heart full beyond words. She had never imagined that she would know her family or that her children would meet her grandparents. Theo had given her something she hadn’t dared hope for, completing a part of her life she thought would always remain empty.

As her grandmother held Clara and Eliza close, her grandfather reached over to gently touch Edward’s hand. The baby gurgled happily, his small fingers reaching up to grasp his great-grandfather’s thumb. The old man’s face softened, his expression filled with wonder and love as he looked at the child.

“We would be honored to get to know you,” her grandfather said, his voice thick with emotion, “and to be a part of your lives.”

Adeline smiled, tears streaming down her face as she reached for Theo’s hand. “And we would be honored to welcome you,” she replied, her voice trembling.

The family gathered around, each member basking in the warmth of reunion and love. Adeline felt that everything she’d ever longed for was finally within reach, a future filled with the love of her family, both new and old.

As the sun dipped lower, Adeline sat with her grandparents under the shade of a large oak tree. Her children, Rebecca’s little ones, and even Adeline’s father played nearby, filling the garden with laughter and energy. The scene felt like a dream—a piece of her past, the family she had thought lost, now woven seamlessly into her present.

Her grandmother reached over, placing a gentle hand on Adeline’s arm. “Your husband has told us so much about you. Every word he spoke carried such pride and affection. He’s a good man, Adeline,” she said softly, her voice full of admiration. “You have a family here, a love that shines. It brings us peace to know that you are happy.”

Adeline looked at Theo, who was talking with her father a short distance away, both of them glancing occasionally toward her with matching smiles. Her heart swelled with gratitude, and she turned back to her grandparents, her eyes shining. “It’s more than I could have ever hoped for,” she said. “I sometimes think I’ll wake up and realize it was all just a beautiful dream.”

Her grandfather chuckled softly, his hand covering hers. “Sometimes life is kinder than we imagine,” he murmured. “And to see you here, with your children… it’s as though our prayers have been answered.”

Eliza and Clara suddenly ran over, giggling as they draped themselves over Adeline’s lap. Eliza looked up at her great-grandparents with wide eyes. “Will you come to visit us often?” she asked eagerly.

Her grandmother laughed, stroking Eliza’s hair. “Oh, my dear, we’ll be here as much as we can. Now that we’ve found you all, we won’t let go so easily.”

Her father joined them, his eyes warm as he looked at Adeline and her grandparents. “I must admit,” he said, addressing them, “Adeline was a blessing I never expected. When I first took her in, I thought I was doing her a kindness. But she gave me a purpose—a joy I hadn’t anticipated.”

Her grandmother’s eyes softened as she nodded. “And we are eternally grateful that you did. She is everything we could have wished for in a granddaughter.”

Her father placed a hand over his heart. “She’s brought us all together in ways I could never have imagined,” he said, his voice catching slightly. He looked over at Theo, who had been listening quietly, admiration clear in his gaze. “And Theo here is an answer to our own prayers, I believe.”

Theo chuckled, crossing over to Adeline and placing a warm hand on her shoulder. “All I’ve ever wanted was to make her happy.”

Eliza tilted her head, looking up at Theo with a mischievous grin. “Papa, you always say that. But what makes you happy?”

Theo glanced at Adeline, his gaze softening as he wrapped an arm around her. “Seeing you all together like this, my loves, is all the happiness I could ever ask for.”

Rebecca joined them with a smile, watching the exchange. “If you two get any sweeter, you’ll have us all in tears!” she teased, nudging Adeline playfully.

Adeline laughed, her heart light. She glanced around, taking in the scene—her father, her grandparents, Theo, her children, and the friends and family who had become the bedrock of her life. Everything felt so profoundly right. For so long, she had yearned to know her roots, to understand her past. Now, thanks to Theo’s love and devotion, she was whole.

As the children dashed off once more, Adeline took Theo’s hand and looked back at her grandparents. “I can hardly imagine all you must have gone through,” she said softly. “I always thought you had passed. It feels like a part of me was missing all this time.”

Her grandmother’s eyes glistened as she reached for her hand. “We felt the same way, dear. There was an emptiness, a longing we carried. And now, with you and these precious little ones… we feel whole again.”

Theo slipped an arm around Adeline, pulling her close. “She completes all of us, doesn’t she?” he murmured, brushing a kiss to her temple.

Rebecca sighed contentedly, watching the tender moment. “It seems, Adeline, that you were always meant to be the heart of this family.”

As the sun began to set, the warmth of family and friendship filled the air, the quiet sounds of nature mingling with the laughter of children and the joyful murmur of conversation. Adeline couldn’t remember a time when she had felt more at peace, surrounded by love and belonging, with Theo by her side.

She looked up at him, her eyes shining. “You’ve given me a life more wonderful than I ever could have dreamed. And you’ve brought me a family—a true family.”

Theo took her hands, his expression filled with unwavering devotion. “And I will spend the rest of my days making sure you know how deeply you are loved.”

Adeline’s heart swelled with gratitude as she kissed him softly. Her children, grandparents, friends, and family—she had everything she’d ever hoped for and more. She knew, deep within her heart, that she was finally home.

As evening settled over the estate, lanterns were lit along the garden path, casting a gentle, flickering glow over the gathered family. Adeline’s father called the children to him, a twinkle in his eye as he offered to share one of his favorite tales, just as he had done for Adeline when she was small. Eliza and Clara rushed over, sitting at his feet with wide eyes, while Edward dozed peacefully in Adeline’s arms.

Rebecca and her husband David joined them, listening to the story with quiet smiles as the soft sounds of the evening settled around them. Adeline watched her father’s face, feeling a rush of gratitude for the life she’d been given, and the home they had created.

As her father finished the tale, Theo took Adeline’s hand, gently pulling her to her feet. “Come, my love,” he whispered. “Let’s take a walk.”

With a smile, Adeline slipped her hand into his, and together they strolled through the garden, the soft light of the lanterns casting shadows across the blooming flowers. The warmth of his hand in hers grounded her, filling her with a profound sense of belonging.

As they reached a secluded bench, Theo sat down and drew her close, wrapping his arms around her. They looked out over the garden, the laughter of their children and family drifting on the breeze.

“It feels like a dream,” Adeline murmured, resting her head against his shoulder. “To have my family here… to be surrounded by all of this love.”

Theo’s voice was soft, yet full of strength. “You deserve this happiness, Adeline. And I wanted you to know your family, to give you the piece of your past you’ve always yearned for.”

Adeline lifted her head, her gaze filled with gratitude. “You’ve given me everything. A life, a home, a love I never thought possible. And now… you’ve even given me my family.”

He smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “You are my heart, Adeline. You make every day worth living. I would do anything to see you happy.”

Emotion welled up within her, her heart swelling with love for this man who had changed her life. “I love you, Theo. More than words can ever say.”

They shared a gentle kiss, each lost in the other’s warmth, a promise of forever held in that embrace. When they pulled apart, Theo looked at her with a glint of mischief in his eye. “Are you ready to spend a lifetime with me, surrounded by our children and their laughter?”

Adeline chuckled, squeezing his hand. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. This is my happily ever after.”

Together, they strolled back toward the house, where the laughter of their family welcomed them. Rebecca met Adeline’s gaze, a knowing smile on her face, as if to say she had always known Adeline was meant for this life.

As the night deepened, Adeline felt a quiet peace settle over her heart. Her journey had brought her to a place of unimaginable love and contentment, surrounded by those who cherished her. She had found her true family, a husband who loved her beyond measure, and children who filled her life with joy.

Looking up at the stars, Adeline whispered a silent prayer of gratitude, knowing that she was exactly where she was meant to be. She turned to Theo, her hand in his, and together they stepped forward, ready to face the future hand in hand, with all the love and hope their hearts could hold.



Grab my new series, "Delightful Dukes and Damsels", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!

17 thoughts on “A Duke’s Unlikely Cinderella – Extended Epilogue”

  1. Greetings, my dear readers! I hope you enjoyed this delightful tale and the resolution of our couple’s loving journey! I eagerly anticipate hearing your impressions! ♥️📚

    1. This is a great story to read, it was full of surprises! I really enjoyed seeing the changes in Eveline’s life. How she took the job of maid for a horrible person, and how her life changed when she married a Duke that she loved so much. The extended epilogue completed the story very well. Loved the book. Well done Alice !

      1. Thank you for such a thoughtful review, Sonia! I’m delighted you enjoyed Eveline’s journey and the twists in her story. I’m so happy the epilogue tied everything together for you!

    2. I Loved Adeline’s story, and her strength to overcome social separations back in the earlier days. I am sure you could even look to today to see a lot of these separations still exist. I am glad that Theo finally got a backbone to make his stand even when his mother didn’t really approve. On the extended version I wish there was a little more meat to Adeline’s past aka: what was her families standing in society? How did they miss Co screw her death without proof and how did her parents death not bring the grandparents out to look for her? Also Rebecca ‘s husband was not mentioned and her children just barely a note. Otherwise I enjoyed reading the story and look forward to reading more from you. As always reading from this era is always a pleasure for me ❤️

      1. Thank you so much for your feedback, Susan! Your thoughts on Adeline’s past and Rebecca’s family are really helpful, and I’ll definitely consider adding more depth in future stories. I’m grateful for your support and look forward to sharing more with you soon! ❤️

  2. A lovely story with a surprise revelation in the extended episode. Just one spelling mistake – gather instead of father (above).

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Lyn! I’m so glad you enjoyed the story and the surprise revelation. I appreciate you pointing out the spelling mistake—I’ll make sure to correct it. Thank you again for the feedback!

  3. A delightful tale! The characters are well drawn giving depth to the story. Love the plot and you have written one of the best epilogues I have read. I usually find them annoying and simply a way to capture people when they could have simply just finished the story with a couple of extra paragraphs.
    Can I just say that East winds in England are not warm, they are cold coming from Siberia! West winds are warm and often wet South winds are warm/ hot and dry coming up from the Sahara.

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughtful review, Maggie! I’m thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the story and especially glad that the epilogue resonated with you! And thank you for the wind tip! You’re absolutely right—East winds in England are definitely not warm! I’ll keep that in mind for future stories! I appreciate your feedback and support. It means a lot to me!

  4. I loved this story but there’s one thing you left out. You never told us what happened to Adeline’s parents! How did a child sooo young just show up at the parsonage?

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Patricia! I’m so happy you enjoyed the story. You raise a great point about Adeline’s parents, and I truly appreciate you bringing it up. Sometimes certain details are left to the imagination, but I love that it sparked your curiosity. Your thoughts mean a lot to me!

  5. I loved the story. Two truly good people who fell in love in spite of the fact that he was a duke and she was a lady’s maid. Lady Sara was a spoilt nasty person who did not deserve anything nice. The story was clean and ended happily for everyone.

    I did not like the epilogue. You talk about her father retiring and moving closer but you ignored both grandmothers. They could have been part of the happy family.

    The discovery of the grandparents of Adeline is far fetched. If she came to the orphanage at age 3, and they couldn’t even find out anything about her parents then how can the grandparents suddenly be found 25 years later? I actually expected to find out that she was perhaps an illegitimate child of someone in the family of the dowager countess and that is why she made sure that Adeline was well educated and taken care off. That was more believable.

    1. I’m happy to hear you enjoyed the story and the connection between the characters! I really appreciate your insight regarding the epilogue and the plot twists. It’s always helpful to hear different perspectives, and I’ll keep your feedback in mind for future projects. Thank you again for your support!

  6. This was an enjoyable book to read while I was visiting my son and his family during the Thanksgiving holiday. I knew exactly how the story would end because this was a HEA storyline. I also thought that Adeline was a relative of the duchess who took such an interest in her life. I also wondered why the extension could not have been included within the storyline. Happy Thanksgiving 2024 in the USA.

    1. I’m so glad to hear that the book was an enjoyable read during your Thanksgiving holiday, Shirt! 🦃 It’s always comforting to know the characters will find their way to a Happily Ever After, isn’t it? As for the extension, that’s an interesting point, and it’s something I’ll definitely keep in mind for future storylines.

  7. I loved this book and all the characters except Lady Clara. But what a horrible person she was. I was always surprised that Adeline kept pushing Lady Clara as the perfect wife for Theo when she knew the horrible fits and meanness of Lady Clara. A marriage to Lady Clara would have been disastrous and surely she wouldn’t wish such a termagant on a kind and loving man that she herself cared for ‼️ In the short story I was disappointed to not see a mention of Adeline’s beloved Mother along with her father and confused how an adopted child’s grandparents could be found and called her family line. Also Theo’s Mother was not at the party and no explanation as why. That being said I really enjoyed the Book and the beautiful qualities of Adeline and Theo.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful feedback, Patrice! I’m glad you enjoyed Adeline and Theo’s characters, though I agree Lady Clara can be quite the challenge! I appreciate your points on the short story and will keep them in mind. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!

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