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Julia looked at the clock again, noticing that the minute hand hadn’t moved as fast as she thought it would. It had only been two minutes since she last checked what the time was. The earl was late.
She resumed her pacing around the drawing room, pausing to look out of the window at the driveway. Their country estate was vast, and from the front windows, the occupants could see the huge trail from the main road all the way up to the house. Almost a mile long, Julia recalled from when she had to learn about numbers and how to calculate them together. It had shocked her that a driveway could be that long. Even with the trees lining the path, it still looked ominous in contrast to the main house.
There was no sign of a carriage or any indication that they were going to have any visitors.
Julia sighed and paced past the window. She resisted the urge to tug at her hair, which would result in her pulling at the pins and scraping her scalp. She would mess up her maid’s work, and then they would have to redo it. Her mother would certainly not be happy.
Julia was at the point that she didn’t care. She hated this, knowing that her parents had arranged this without her knowledge or consent, and they were expecting her to be ready for the Earl of Ashby to meet with her so they could discuss their betrothal.
A betrothal Julia had had no idea about until that morning.
She couldn’t believe that her parents would do this to her. They seemed to think that she was getting on in age, and she needed to start properly finding herself a husband. Julia didn’t think that at twenty was old, but her mother and father weren’t listening. So they had arranged for her to marry someone she had never met. An older man, apparently, who was wealthy and would be able to take care of her. Someone who didn’t care that she was getting older.
Julia wondered if her parents realized that they were insulting their child by making remarks in such a manner. It was making her not want to find a husband at all.
It was bad enough that her parents weren’t too impressed with her painting and that she was actually quite popular, so it made Julia wonder if the Earl of Ashby was of the same mindset. Was it possible that he wouldn’t approve, either? Would that mean he wouldn’t let her pursue her passions?
It had been several hours since her parents told her about this, and she was to meet with the earl at three that afternoon, and Julia was still upset with how things were decided without her present. How could they do this to her?
The Countess of Hastings entered the room, seeming to glide across the floor without any effort. Julia had never understood how her mother managed to make it look so graceful. The older woman gave her a smile.
“Would you like some tea, dear?”
“No, Mother. I just want to get this over and done with.”
“I understand, but the Earl of Ashby is a busy man. He’ll be here soon.”
Julia cast a look toward the windows again. No sign of a carriage. Somehow, she felt relief as well as a knot forming in her stomach. Was it possible to be relieved and nervous at the same time?
“I wish you had consulted me on this, Mother. It’s not fair that you would do this without saying anything to me until you’ve got it confirmed.”
Lady Hastings sighed and approached her daughter. Julia hated it when her mother started sighing; it somehow made her soothing and patronizing in one go. The patronizing side always won out, though.
“Julia, we went through it this morning. You are getting to an age where nobody is going to consider you eligible to be their wife. And you’re always cooped up in your…studio…doing your painting.” Lady Hastings cleared her throat. “Someone has to be proactive in this situation, and that’s us.”
“So you match me with someone nearer your age who can’t get himself a wife because he’s too ugly or old?” Julia snapped.
“The Earl of Ashby isn’t old or ugly, Julia.”
“That’s your opinion. I’m sure that we’re going to differ on that.”
Lady Hastings’ pursed her lips.
“You have to find yourself a husband, and you’ve not done that. As your parents…”
“As my parents, you’re not meant to treat me like a piece of property that you own and pass me around to everyone. That’s not fair.”
“It’s how things are done.”
“You could have included me in the process, at least,” Julia protested. “Why can’t I have a choice? Why would I want to marry someone who is going to isolate me and restrict me from doing what I want?”
Her mother took her hands as Julia started to wave them around, keeping them still between them. Her hands were warm and comforting, but Julia felt like her anxiety was rising with the touch.
“You’re talking about your art again, aren’t you? I know how passionate you are about it…”
“I get paid to paint, Mother! Of course, I’m going to be passionate about it.”
“Nobody’s going to stop you from doing that. Your husband will still allow you to paint…”
“Yes. Allow,” Julia sneered. “And you’re telling me for it to be a hobby and not a way to bring in income for myself, aren’t you?”
Lady Hastings sighed.
“It’s not something a lady does.”
“It’s what this lady does. And I like to know that I’ve got money, so I don’t have to rely on anyone else.”
“That’s not appropriate. I’m sure the earl…”
“He can think whatever he wants. I’m not going to stop painting when it’s bringing in an income for me.” Julia pulled her hands away. “I’m going back to my studio. There’s no point in standing around here like a statue. I don’t need to waste my time.”
“If the Earl of Ashby chooses to grace us with his presence, you know where to find me.” Julia headed toward the door. “I’m going to be productive with my time.”
“Get back…”
But Julia didn’t listen, striding through the house and into her studio at the back. Despite everyone’s protests about her working, her father had conceded and allowed her a small room in the far corner of the house where she could do her paintings. There was just enough room for her easel and someone to sit for a painting, but that was it. Julia was surprised that her work could get through the door.
It was the solace she needed right now, though.
Shutting the door, Julia leaned against the door and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths to ease the tightness in her chest. She was close to tears, but she would not cry. She was not about to break down because the control she thought she had on her life was slipping away from her. Her parents would not weaken her resolve.
Picking up a paintbrush, Julia looked at the work she had been creating when her parents had practically dragged her out to get ready. There were a few finishing touches to do, but she was almost finished. Her client was a dowager duchess, and she had asked for a painting of her beloved dogs. Julia had managed to get the sketches at her house, and the dowager duchess had approved of what the portrait would be.
She would be very happy with this.
As Julia got herself back into painting and putting the final brushstrokes to it, her thoughts ended up going back to the betrothal she was supposedly in. It was bad enough that she hadn’t been consulted in this, but she was going to be marrying someone much older than her. Julia didn’t know who the Earl of Ashby was, other than he was a nobleman from Leicestershire. They didn’t run in the same circles, as far as she was aware. Her father had said he was an older gentleman, which could mean anything. In Julia’s mind, Ashby was closer to her father’s age, fat and ugly, and was either a widower looking for a new and young wife, or he wasn’t able to get a wife without having an arrangement.
Either way, Julia didn’t want anything to do with it.
But that would mean she would be embarrassing her parents. Her father would be furious with her, and Julia didn’t like dealing with his temper. It would speak badly about their family, so she would have to go through with it. Her parents wouldn’t allow her to back out of it, especially when it would mean they lost face with the Earl of Ashby.
She would end up becoming the property of an older man she didn’t know, and he would likely stop her from painting. Julia loved what she did, and she saw nothing wrong with earning money from it. It wasn’t the done thing for ladies in the ton to work, but Julia saw it as turning her passion into something that gave her an incentive. There was nothing wrong with getting paid for doing something she loved. Her parents saw it differently.
The Earl of Ashby would be the same. Julia could already feel her heart sinking over it.
Charlotte had described the situation like being jailed in a different room but with the same restrictions. Julia couldn’t help but agree with her maid on that analogy.
She was just delicately signing her name in the corner of the painting with the pointed tip of her brush when the door was practically flung open. Julia yanked her hand away before she ended up swiping her brush across the canvas and spun around. The Earl of Hastings strode into the room, holding a letter in his hand with a scowl.
“Father.” Julia pressed a hand to her racing heart. “Could you knock before you come in?”
“And if you stopped your painting, then maybe you wouldn’t have a failed betrothal?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I just received a letter from the Earl of Ashby.” Her father brandished the letter at her. “He said that he’s breaking off the engagement between you two because he can’t have a lady working as a portrait painter as a wife.”
Julia wondered if she had heard him correctly. Snatching the letter from her father’s hand before it was pulled away, she scanned the stiff, concise handwriting. Sure enough, it was breaking off the engagement, but that was it. Nothing to suggest why. Although Julia was relieved, she was still a little confused.
“Where does it say that it’s because I work as a painter that he’s calling off the engagement? Did he tell you himself?”
“He didn’t need to. It was perfectly clear.”
“I would prefer to hear it from the man himself and not from your perceived assumptions, Father,” Julia shot back.
Hastings’ eyes narrowed, and he moved toward her in a way that made Julia want to back away, but she held her ground, trying not to flinch as he glowered at her in a way that showed his intense displeasure. His face was bright red, showing that his temper was close to exploding.
“We went to a lot of trouble to get you married off to someone who was willing to marry you, Julia,” he hissed. “And this is what we get from you? I didn’t realize that we had raised such an ungrateful brat.”
“I’m ungrateful? I think anyone would behave in the same manner if they found out their parents had arranged an engagement without her knowledge and with someone she’s never met!”
“It’s how things are done around here. You know that.”
Julia snorted and folded her arms, careful not to smudge paint across her arm from the brush. She knew that she should put it down, but somehow it felt like a weapon against her father’s anger.
“Well, it’s not how I do things. You can’t force me into something and expect me to go along with it without any argument, Father.”
“Why do you need to get so emotional about things? It’s not attractive.”
“At least I’m not dull!” Julia snapped back. “I prefer to have a personality.”
They glared at each other. In recent weeks, Hastings had been picking away at Julia’s attitude and the way she did things. He didn’t approve of her doing pretty much anything that she enjoyed, saying that it wasn’t ladylike. Julia just ignored him, but it just made things worse.
“I wish that your uncle hadn’t given you a paint set when you were a child,” Hastings grumbled, gesturing at the portrait behind his daughter. “Then you wouldn’t be doing something so silly.”
“This isn’t silly! I’m getting paid!”
“You’re a lady, not an artist!”
Julia bristled.
“I can be both.”
“Not if you want to save face with our family. Just be thankful that nobody heard about this engagement, or we really would be ruined.”
“Wouldn’t you be ruined because you arranged it without me knowing about it? I’d certainly say that if anyone asked.”
“You tried, Father, and it didn’t work. You made me worry the whole day for nothing. I don’t want to go through that again.” Taking a deep breath, Julia turned away. “Now, if you’ll excuse me? I have to finish this and get it ready to be taken to the Dowager Duchess of Haversham. We’re both too emotionally charged to talk about this, and I don’t feel like getting shouted at by someone who didn’t ask for my consent on any of this, to begin with. We can talk once you’ve calmed down.”
She had normally seen this when her mother turned her back on her husband, saying that they would discuss things once he wasn’t losing his temper. It took the wind out of his sails, and then Hastings would leave and calm down. He wouldn’t normally expect it from his own daughter, but Julia wasn’t about to back down.
From the stunned silence, her father hadn’t expected her to do the same thing. Then Hastings spluttered, but Julia didn’t react, choosing to concentrate on her painting. After a tense moment, there were retreating footsteps, and the door slammed shut, which made her canvas shake on its easel.
Julia lowered the paintbrush and put it in the jar of water. Then she staggered over to the chaise by the window, slumping onto the cushions.
That was when everything came flooding out, and Julia crumbled. Tears started to fall, and she couldn’t stop herself from crying.
Chapter One
Two Months Later
“Are you going to the Earl of March’s ball tonight, my lord?”
Alexander looked up to see Dobson in the doorway. The butler regarded him with that usual placid expression that made it hard to read what he was thinking.
“I am, Dobson. I was just going to do some work first before I left.”
“You do know that you have your estate manager to take care of some of these things.” Dobson crossed the room. “Michaelson can finish off what you’ve been working on all day.”
Alexander was about to ask how he knew what he was working on, but then he remembered that Dobson was the one who arranged his papers at the start of the day. He would know what his master was working on. Sighing, he put his quill pen down and sat back in his chair.
“I know Michaelson is capable, but I have to do things myself. It is my earldom, after all.”
“Yes, my lord.”
Dobson didn’t react. Alexander wondered if the man had any emotions at all. If he did, he kept them locked up so tightly it was a surprise when they came out. Stoic was one thing, but Dobson took it to something else. That didn’t take away from the fact he was very good at his job, and Alexander didn’t know anyone more reliable than his butler. Other than his valet, but even Taylor had his limitations.
“I suppose I should stop, though.” Alexander rolled his shoulders and then stretched his arms above his head. “My shoulders are beginning to hurt, and my fingers seem to be stuck in the same position.”
“You have been working all day, my lord. I’m surprised you got changed for the ball and had anything to eat.”
“You make me sound like I’m stuck to my desk all the time.”
Dobson didn’t respond, but the implication was there. Maybe he did work too much. Alexander didn’t have much time to do anything else. He preferred to get things in a nice and tidy order, and it was better doing it himself. Dobson knew that and understood, but there was always that worry that he was doing too much. Alexander could understand that, but that was how he was. His servants should know that about him by now.
“Anyway, I’ll start getting myself ready.” Alexander stood up, wincing as his legs complained at the change. “Once I’ve gotten my legs to work properly, that is.”
“Yes, my lord. Are you going to be looking for a wife tonight?”
Alexander frowned.
“What are you talking about? Looking for a wife?”
“We are all aware that you’re looking for someone to marry. I think we’re all just curious.”
“You mean the household staff are curious. Is Mrs.. Van Teal gossiping again?”
“If she is, I haven’t heard about it.”
Which meant at the housekeeping staff was gossiping. Alexander sighed and began to walk around the room, getting his legs to start working again. It took a few steps to stop feeling so stiff.
“Anyway, that is not a priority right now, Dobson. I have other things to focus on.”
“But finding a wife is on the list, isn’t it? I know your father…”
“My father died last year,” Alexander snapped. “He’s not here to tell me what to do anymore.”
In a way, that was a relief. Alexander’s father had been an incredibly strict individual, and he had forced many rules onto his son. One of them was that Alexander had to be married as soon as possible. Once his son had entered Society as a grown man, the old earl had been very interested in who Alexander interacted with. He would constantly get himself involved as well, looking for the ideal eligible young lady who would be willing to marry his son. Alexander had been intensely embarrassed by it, and it hadn’t helped him find an ideal bride, either. Those who were interested and tried to pursue him were not what he would have considered ideal; he and his father had different tastes when it came to women.
While it was petty, he had promised that he wouldn’t marry while his father was still alive, even if it meant being unmarried for the rest of his life. Alexander had been forced to follow all of the rules since birth, and he was not going to do that now. The old earl hadn’t appreciated it, and all he had wanted when he was on his deathbed was to see his son get married and secure the earldom.
At least he hadn’t done anything about it to force Alexander into doing something he didn’t want. He could have put conditions on him getting the earldom or getting disowned before he died, but thankfully, that hadn’t happened. Alexander would have happily taken the disowning without batting an eyelid.
His father’s death was a shock and came out of the blue. Nobody could have expected him to die in a carriage accident only a year ago, leaving Alexander with the title and an estate he had needed to learn how to look after very quickly; his father wouldn’t allow him to help out and know how to run an estate, saying that he would mess it up.
He hadn’t allowed his son to be prepared for what he was to inherit. Alexander resented him for that more than anything else.
Now, his thoughts were filled with a man Alexander had come to hate toward the end of his life, and he pushed it away. That wasn’t what he needed right now. He had more important things to focus on.
“I understand, my lord.” Dobson gave his master a slight nod of his head. “While I understand the need to follow societal norms, there isn’t a rush.”
Alexander grunted. His butler hadn’t heard the whispers in corners from the ladies whenever he was in a social setting. They saw him as an eligible bachelor who was someone they needed to chase.
Why couldn’t he just do things as he wanted without any pressure?
“If you understand there isn’t a rush, don’t ask about it again unless I ask you to.”
“Yes, my lord.”
Alexander’s legs were beginning to feel normal again. He gave the desk one last look, wondering if he could get away with finishing what he was doing instead of going to this ball. But he couldn’t, not when he said that he would go. It would be impolite to say he couldn’t attend, and Alexander wasn’t that good of a liar.
“I suppose I’d better go. Is the carriage ready?”
“Yes, my lord. It should be coming around to the front door in a few minutes.”
“Good.” Alexander headed toward the door. “I don’t like being kept waiting.”
“No, my lord.”
Alexander didn’t stop to wonder what the butler meant by that. His mind was full of what he needed to do once he returned. Going to balls was not in his diary, but as an earl, he had to be there.
If he was lucky, he could spend a couple of hours at the ball before finding an excuse to leave. And if he was really lucky, he would be able to hide away in a private room with the other gentlemen.
It wasn’t what his father had wanted him to do, but Alexander didn’t care. He wasn’t around anymore to tell him to do otherwise.
“Ouch!” Julia flinched as her maid slid another pin into her hair. “Don’t you think I’ve got enough in, Charlotte?”
“Forgive me, my lady.” Charlotte lowered her hands. “Your mother said that you needed to have your hair under control.”
“My hair is fine. She just wants me to have plenty of pins poking and prodding me so I remember what I’m supposed to be doing.” Julia grimaced, peering at herself in the mirror. “I feel like my head’s been turned into a pin cushion.”
“Shall we forget the rest of the pins, then?”
Her hair looked fine, anyway, so Julia didn’t see why she needed every stray strand and curl to be flattened to the point it changed the shape of her head. There was nothing wrong with her hair at all. It wasn’t even out of control with her curls unless she purposefully curled her hair, which was rare. But Lady Hastings saw imperfections in everything.
Julia wondered if she was just enforcing the torment her mother went through when she was the same age with all the extra pins.
“I suppose I’d better get downstairs and wait for my parents.” She stood up and smoothed her hands down her dress, noting how well it fitted to her curves as she turned a little to admire her reflection. “We’re meant to be leaving soon.”
“Do you think they’re going to push you to find a husband tonight?” Charlotte asked as she began to tidy up.
“I know they’re going to do it. It’s the first ball of the Season, and I have to follow through on my deal with Father.”
“Do you think you’ll be able to succeed? I know you were concerned that you might end up having to follow what your parents wanted if you couldn’t find a husband by this time next year.”
Julia swallowed.
“I hope so. I’ve got to do it, Charlotte. You know how much is at stake for me.”
From her maid’s sympathetic look, she understood completely. After the disastrous failed engagement that had been started in the summer, Julia and Hastings had managed to come to an agreement. She was to have another chance to find a husband on her own, so she had a Season to look for someone suitable. If she succeeded, her parents would let her carry on painting, but if she didn’t, they would choose someone for her themselves, and Julia would have to give up her painting completely. The thought of that broke her heart, and Julia knew she wouldn’t be able to cope.
But it was either agree to this as a final chance, or Julia would lose her income far sooner than she wanted. The thought of losing something she loved doing because of her family’s pride was not an option. Her parents might think it was embarrassing to have a daughter, a noble lady, painting for a living, but Julia didn’t care. She got plenty of commissions, and they paid really well.
At least she would have money in case she needed to have something of her own. Her husband, if she ever found him, would undoubtedly say that whatever she earned, he would immediately have as her husband, and ladies weren’t allowed to have their own money. Julia was not going to let that happen. If she, by some miracle, found a man who didn’t care that she painted, she would make sure that this was not negotiable. She was not going to give her money to her spouse. It was hers.
If she was forced to give up her money, Julia would do something drastic. The idea of that had been creeping across her mind for some time now, but she couldn’t bring herself to dwell on it too much. She would find someone who wanted to marry her and didn’t care that she was an artist. There had to be a person out there who could love her for who she wanted to be.
Even if they didn’t and needed a wife, they could come to a compromise. Just as long as she stopped her parents from taking away her passion.
“My lady?”
Charlotte was watching her curiously.
“Are you all right? You just started staring at me like you weren’t really seeing me.”
“Was I?” Julia blinked and tried to get her focus back in the real world and not on her thoughts. “Forgive me, Charlotte. Things are…well, I think you know…”
“I know what you mean.” Her maid’s expression was sympathetic. She finished tidying up the dresser. “Well, I think we should go downstairs. We’re both ready.”
“The sooner I get this over and done with, the better.” Julia took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’m glad Mother agreed that you could be my chaperone tonight. I don’t think I’d be able to cope so well if she was watching over me.”
Charlotte smiled.
“I’ll do my best to make sure tonight is bearable for you, my lady.”
“I appreciate that.”
Julia had been worried about going tonight with her parents. When they were chaperoning her, they would steer her to people they thought would be the right type of person to be her husband, and Julia didn’t like it. She thought they had agreed to let her find someone on her own and not have them influence her. That would certainly work in their favor.
Julia wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction. She had asked to choose someone of her own, even if she didn’t want it. What was the point of agreeing to that when her parents wouldn’t allow it?
Taking one last look at herself in the mirror, she walked toward the door, Charlotte following close behind. They stepped out into the hallway, and already Julia could hear her father’s voice downstairs. She groaned. He was waiting for her.
“My lady.” Charlotte’s voice was quiet as she touched her mistress’ arm. “Take a deep breath. Don’t let him know that you’re uncomfortable.”
Julia gritted her teeth and shot her maid a quick smile, but her stomach was churning. God, she hated being pushed into a corner, and the only way to fight out of it was to do something she didn’t want to do. But if it meant that she could have the choice and control given back, she would do it.
Although Julia wanted to run the other way and hide.
They reached the top of the stairs, and Julia saw that both of her parents were in the foyer. Lady Hastings was wearing a splendid gown in dark blue, her hair in perfect ringlets about her face and looking like she could easily grace any ballroom without any problems. There was a grace to her that Julia wished she had; she wasn’t able to match what her mother possessed, even now.
Hastings was wearing a dark blue jacket and matching breeches, in an effort to match his wife. Julia had seen them do that over the years, almost as if they thought people would forget who they were. They always wore outfits in the same color, which made Julia wonder how much the two of them spent on clothes. It was interesting.
Julia hoped that she wouldn’t have to do that herself. It would be too embarrassing.
As they made their way down the stairs, Hastings turned and looked up. His eyes narrowed, and he looked his daughter over.
“Is that what you’re wearing?” he demanded.
“What?” Julia looked down at herself in confusion. “There’s nothing wrong with this, Father.”
“I thought I told your maid to lay out your blue gown for tonight. Why are you wearing pale pink?”
Julia was tempted to burst out laughing at that. She had seen the gown and knew that her parents wanted her to match them. They claimed it would be aesthetically pleasing, but Julia would just be embarrassed. She was not doing that.
“Because I wanted to wear it tonight.” Julia reached the bottom of the stairs and walked toward the butler, who was holding onto their pelisses. “I do have some autonomy in my life, don’t I?”
“I specifically told Charlotte to get your blue gown out,” Hastings growled.
Julia rolled her eyes.
“Father, it doesn’t matter what I wear as long as it’s appropriate. We do need to look exactly the same when we’re out.” She shot the earl a look as she shrugged on her coat. “I’m sure people will be able to figure out that I’m your daughter without us needing to dress the same way.”
Hastings looked like he was going to argue, but Lady Hastings spoke first.
“Leave it be, dear. There’s no point in arguing over this when our daughter has made up her mind.”
Julia wondered if there was a jab at her for not doing as she was told again. She smiled at the butler and turned to her parents.
“So, are we going? I’m ready.”
Hastings grunted and strode toward the door. The countess sidled up to her daughter and took her arm.
“Don’t embarrass us tonight, Julia,” she whispered as she steered the younger woman toward the door, which was now open to the cooling evening air.
“Why do you think I’m going to embarrass you, Mother? I’m just going to be myself.”
“That’s what we’re worried about.”
Julia stared at her.
“Can you not offend me before we’ve left the house? I don’t want to attend in a bad mood.”
Lady Hastings frowned.
“You really need to learn when to keep quiet and do as you’re told, Julia. You’re not going to get a husband with that attitude.”
Julia wanted to say something back in response, but she just wanted to get this evening over with. They weren’t going to get that if she was squabbling with her mother in the foyer. Her father would certainly get more upset.
Pulling away from Lady Hastings, Julia beckoned for Charlotte to follow her, and they left the house. If they were lucky, she would be able to have a bit of respite from her parents tonight.
And then they would go through the same dance again tomorrow.
“Falling for the Earl I Loathe” is an Amazon Best-Selling novel, check it out here!
In the bustling streets of Regency London, Lady Julia Huntington finds herself at a crossroads. Betrayed by a broken engagement before ever meeting her suitor, she is determined to carve her own path as a portrait painter. When the dashing Earl of Ashby enters her world though, her carefully constructed plans are thrown into disarray.
Can she trust his promises to help her, or is he just another heartbreaker in disguise?
For Alexander Beauchamp, the wealthy Earl of Ashby and sophisticated art connoisseur, meeting Julia ignites a fire he never expected. Haunted by the regret of rejecting their engagement, he vows to right his past wrongs and support Julia in her artistic path. Yet, as their bond deepens, he fears his feelings may jeopardize their fragile alliance.
Can he convince Julia of the sincerity of his emotions before it’s too late?
As Julia’s reputation as a painter is tarnished by a mysterious rival, Alexander vows to uncover the truth behind the sabotage. Together, they embark on a journey to confront the forces threatening their happiness. As tensions rise and secrets unravel, they must confront their own desires and fears. Will they emerge stronger together, or will their love be lost amidst the shadows of deception?
“Falling for the Earl I Loathe” is a historical romance novel of approximately 80,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.
Grab my new series, "Delightful Dukes and Damsels", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
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